
Shopping Rush

Nov 22, 2021 / Money Tips

Beat the Holiday Shopping Rush with these Helpful Savings Tips

Remember that holiday movie quote about being “grinchy” when Christmas spirit is in short supply? With global supply chain issues and shipping delays making headlines, holiday spirit isn’t the only thing that’s predicted to be in short supply this year. To keep you from feeling grinchy, we’re here to help you get a jump start…
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Crystal Performance Award

Nov 08, 2021 / News

Utah First Credit Union Wins 7th Straight Crystal Performance Award

As a credit union that’s hyper focused on the people and community we love (our name says it all), we’ve always known that we’re a little different. We take pride in helping people, and the results usually follow. It’s a different approach in the financial…
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Nov 05, 2021 / Home Equity

5 Creative Ways to Use a HELOC

When you hear the words “home equity line of credit” (HELOC), you might think of updating your existing home, adding more space, improving your curb appeal, or some other home-related renovation project. After all, adding value to your home is perhaps the most prudent use…
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Oct 27, 2021 / Money Tips

Tips to Save for Larger Planned Expenses

Who says saving money can’t be fun? When you plan to save for some future expense (especially if that future expense is something fun), saving money can become a game unto itself. Whether you’re saving for a down payment on a home, a family vacation,…
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Oct 15, 2021 / Credit

4 Credit Tips for Financial Beginners (and Begin Again-ers)

Whether opening up your first account, applying for your first credit card, or depositing your first paycheck, every financial journey starts with a single step. For most, these first financial steps are exciting and new. But for those with colorful credit—whose financial journeys may have…
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Sep 22, 2021 / Local Utah

Learning Financial Lessons That Last a Lifetime

Back-to-school season is back again. Kids across the state are hard at work, preparing for a better, brighter future, and Utah First wants to make sure that their future includes healthy financial habits—and healthy bank balances to boot! Real Life Money Lessons Inspired by local…
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Aug 31, 2021 / Local Utah

Finding the Right Fit with Your Financial Institution

Sometimes people have a tendency to lump all banks and credit unions into a single category. They wrongly think it doesn’t really matter where they put their money or apply for a loan—it’s all the same at end of the day anyway. Unfortunately, this couldn’t…
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Aug 19, 2021 / Money Tips

How to Teach Your Kids About Money

School is back in session (or will be soon), and there’s a distinct feeling of learning in the air (that also feels suspiciously like the end of summer). Your kids are equal parts nervous and excited, and ready or not, their brains are about to…
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Utah First Cash for College Scholarship icon

Aug 04, 2021 / Local Utah

Introducing the Cash for College Scholarship

At Utah First, our mission is to be significant in the lives of our members. Sometimes that means helping a young family finance their first home. Sometimes it means finding the right loan to help someone get back on track with their credit. And sometimes…
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Jul 22, 2021 / Credit

Can You Still Get a Loan if You have Colorful Credit?

At Utah First, our members come from all walks of life. When it comes to credit, some have pep in their step and others have been told to take a hike by big bank lenders, who talk the talk, but don’t walk the walk with…
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