
Apr 22, 2022 / Home Equity

To Love or to List?

You may be familiar with the popular HGTV show about the great property debate: to love or list your home. The premise is simple—give homeowners a choice to make improvements on their existing property or put it on the market and find a new one. You may be going through a similar residential dilemma. Do…
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Apr 15, 2022 / Money Tips

Two Ways to Combat the Rising Costs of College

College is expensive. It’s always been a stretch for students to save up and work their way through two to four years of traditional college, trade school, vocational school, or some other institution of higher learning. And, it’s only getting pricier with each passing year.…
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Apr 08, 2022 / Local Utah

Give Your Student a $100 Head Start

This offer is now expired. Check out all our checking account’s other features here! Your kids are inundated with unsolicited advice. Parents, grandparents, friends, teachers, social media influencers—there’s no shortage of people lining up to tell your kids what to do, how to act, and…
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Mar 29, 2022 / Money Tips

How Mobile Is Your Wallet?

As with nearly everything else in the world, wallets have gone digital. This isn’t exactly a new trend. Mobile wallets have been around since 2011. But it’s one that more and more consumers are embracing. Big bulky wallets are out. Digital wallets that you can…
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Mar 18, 2022 / Uncategorized

4 Ways to Spot a Phishing Scam

In the wake of recent world events, the scum, ehr … scammers of the world are out in full force, preying on people’s fears, curiosity, and kindness to make a quick buck. One of the most common and effective ways they do this is through…
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Mar 11, 2022 / Money Tips

How to Help Your Kids Pay for College

College is expensive, and it’s getting pricier with each passing year. If you want a more detailed description of higher education expenses (emphasis on higher), check out last week’s post about the true cost of college. But suffice to say, it’s not a stretch to…
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Mar 07, 2022 / Money Tips

How to Prepare Your Teens Financially for College

Sending your teen to college is a bitter-sweet experience. On the one hand, you’re sad to see them go. On the other, you’re glad to get rid of them. You’re excited that they’re pursuing their education, but nervous about the life lessons they’re about to…
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Feb 18, 2022 / Money Tips

Teach Your Teens Financial Independence (The $100 Head Start)

As parents, one of your primary responsibilities is to help your kids help themselves. You can’t be with them 24/7 (and let’s face it, the constant questions about when their dinner will be ready get real old, real fast). But one of the most important…
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Feb 14, 2022 / Auto & RV

We Love You!

We might show it through our actions more often than we actually say it, but we really love you! We don’t mean to sound overly sentimental, but being member-owners of an amazing credit union, with a shared love for community and helping each other succeed,…
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Feb 04, 2022 / Local Utah

How to Help Teens Save Money

Learning financial concepts can be complicated for young people. Saving money, in particular, can be a difficult lesson to learn when income is low and every possible expense is so exciting. On top of that, financial education is rarely prioritized at the high school level,…
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