Get Smart About Savings

Open a personal savings account today,
and start reaching your goals tomorrow.

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Get Smart About Savings

Open a personal savings account today,
and start reaching your goals tomorrow.

Every savings journey starts with a single step. When you save with Utah First, your money adds up fast. Start with as little as $5 and you can earn interest (and find peace of mind) without losing access to your money.

  • Secure Savings: Your money is always safe and secure and is protected by the U.S. Government. The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) insures you for at least $250,000.
  • Kids Accounts: Don’t forget to open a savings account for your kids. It’s a fun, easy way to teach the value of saving money.

Find financial peace of mind and start saving for a better future.

Open An Account



TypeMinimum BalanceAPY*
IRA Share$00.75%
Health Savings$00.25%
Open An Account

Your deposits are federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government through the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund. Learn more here.